Betty, sweet Betty
You're Betty Grable!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
And here I was hoping for Betty Boop. No kidding. I have this thing about Betty Boop, her shapely bod and high heels along with that "boo-boo-d-doop". If I ever come back as a cartoon, please let it be Betty Boop and not Marge Simpson, Betty Rubble, Wilma Flintstone or Jane Jetson. Nothing wrong with them, I just really, really want to be Betty Boop.
I'm so incredibly flattered! Kerstin, of At My Knit's End stopped by and left a comment. Even if you aren't a knitter, her blog is a must-read. A never-ending source of info on her infamous yellow sidebar along with her wit and honesty. Her writing and knowledge inspire me to learn more about darn near everything.
Went out this afternoon to do grocery shopping and stopped by The Gates of Hell for coffee since Hubster insists on Maxwell House and Aldis doesn't carry it. I swear, every single time I go to WM/TGoH, things are worse. We actually had an employee push one of us in her incredible rush to get on break. 3 pounds of shredded cheese, 2 big cans of MH coffee, 2 boxes of microwave, pour-over butter popcorn and $95 dollars later, we escaped for another few months. Only thing I bought there that really was worth the hassle: "All Jacked Up" by Gretchen Wilson. I cannot remember the last time I bought MYSELF a CD so that makes it doubly tought to remember the last time I enjoyed every single song on a new one as much as I'm enjoying this. Maybe it's my country girl heart, I do not know, but this music is toe-tapping, sing-a-long stuff. Well, if you dig country. Miss E has already memorized several songs and sings along with me. After all this, I remember, I forgot batteries for the digi cam! I wanted to hit the Dollar General (we go through batteries something shameful) but our town is having another one of their weekend-long ploys to suck folks into the downtown area. Hmm, if we had just said no to WM/TGoH, maybe downtown wouldn't be suffering quite so much? And another thought for the planners of these "festivals"...folks aren't interested in coming to a place where the parking is on the main drag yet we shut that drag down to auto traffic to allow vendors in the street. 'Nuff said there too.
Well, the Hubster has hinted he'd like some attention sometime this month so maybe, just maybe I ought to tend to him??