Thursday, August 17, 2006

New work is afoot. LOL. This is the Child's First Sock from Knitting Vintage Socks. Vital stats: US1 dpns (I LOVE Crystal Palace bamboo!), Lang Jawoll Solids #162 (found at Simply Sock Yarn)for a song and the absolutely fastest service I have ever had from a company without paying for overnight or 2 day shipping! Gauge: 8spi. Believe it or not, this sock fits Miss E perfectly so the pair will be part of her bday package in October. She asked for almost knee socks and that is what these are. I am toying with entering them in the county fair next month along with some baby socks.

Remember this? FROGGED. Then I discover that it might have fit a babe after all. Probably not so I am relieved I frogged it. The blue yarn is currently paired with some grey from Knitpicks for the Gentleman's Winter Sock from KVS as well. They look huge and Hubster hasn't tried it on yet for a test fit so they may be off to the pond as well shortly.

And these? FROGGED as well. In a few weeks, maybe I'll order some US1.5 dpns and see if those help because I really want a pair of Jaywalkers. Not like I have a lot of time for knitting right now.

School has begun here at the School for Wayward Girls (lol). We decided to switch from UNschooling to something a little less stressful for me: OHVA. Miss E and I began working yesterday and so far, I am pleased with both the staff and materials. When they say they supply everything except paper and ink, they mean it. The poor UPS man has already been here twice this week...something like 350 POUNDS of materials and that's just for R and Miss E. We haven't received our computers yet so I imagine he will be stopping several more times before the offical first day (Aug 28). Since we had the option to begin early, I thought that would be wise so we could ease into it, get a feel for the program and identify favorite subjects quickly. E loves it all. Science has all sorts of neat-o hands-on things to play with and of course, being the homeschooled child that she is, we had to play with many of those things. Fun, fun, fun! Daily prep is fairly easy, lessons seem straightforward and the best more hassle trying to find someone to either do assessments or administer testing!

Now for some knitting time. Athena headed to the sewing machine "spa" today and will return on the 1st, hopefully rested, oiled and ready to work hard. The mood to sew and quilt has been quite strong lately but with Athena unhappy, working together was simply out of the question. Keeping my fingers crossed that all she needs is a simple, inexpensive tune-up and nothing major.


Blogger Madcap said...

I love that happy sock. If I were running the county fair, you'd win! And I surely do hope Athena just needs a little tenderness, not a lot.

8/19/2006 10:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love that sock! What a fabulous watermelony colour. My daughter is a fan of 'almost knee-hi' or 'over the knee-hi' as she calls them. It must be one of these, but never just knee-hi. Now if only I were a capable knitter I could custom make them however 'hi' she wanted.

8/23/2006 1:42 AM  

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